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Eclectic Finds

Discover the unexpected in our Eclectic Finds collection. This carefully curated selection features unique treasures that defy categorization but add charm and character to your home. From practical essentials to delightful curiosities, each piece is chosen for its ability to complement your space with a touch of individuality and style. Explore the details that make your home truly yours.

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Wooden Carved Figurehead Letter Opener - Homekeep StudioWooden Carved Figurehead Letter Opener - Homekeep Studio

Abrecartas de mascarón de madera tallado

Vintage Swingline 99 Stapler - Homekeep StudioVintage Swingline 99 Stapler - Homekeep Studio

Grapadora Vintage Swingline 99

Vintage Retractable Clothesline - Homekeep StudioVintage Retractable Clothesline - Homekeep Studio

Tendedero retráctil vintage

Vintage New Mexico Souvenir Ceramic Trinket Box - Homekeep StudioVintage New Mexico Souvenir Ceramic Trinket Box - Homekeep Studio

Caja de baratijas de cerámica de recuerdo vintage de Nuevo México

Vintage Steelmaster Metal Box - Homekeep StudioVintage Steelmaster Metal Box - Homekeep Studio

Caja Steelmaster clásica de metal gris oscuro

Vintage Wooden Drawer Set - Homekeep StudioVintage Wooden Drawer Set - Homekeep Studio

Juego vintage de cajones económicos y de recetas de madera

Vintage Hamilton Teal Metal Porta - File - Homekeep StudioVintage Hamilton Teal Metal Porta - File - Homekeep Studio

Porta-archivo de metal color canela

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