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Eclectic Finds

Discover the unexpected in our Eclectic Finds collection. This carefully curated selection features unique treasures that defy categorization but add charm and character to your home. From practical essentials to delightful curiosities, each piece is chosen for its ability to complement your space with a touch of individuality and style. Explore the details that make your home truly yours.

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Chunky Layered Wood Desk Business Cardholder - Homekeep StudioChunky Layered Wood Desk Business Cardholder - Homekeep Studio

Tarjetero de visita de escritorio de madera en capas gruesas

Wall - Mounted Vintage Spike Receipt Keeper - Homekeep StudioWall - Mounted Vintage Spike Receipt Keeper - Homekeep Studio

Porta recibos con púas vintage montado en la pared

Table Easel - Homekeep MarketTable Easel - Homekeep Market

Caballete de mesa

Vintage Green Portable File Box with Handle - Homekeep StudioVintage Green Portable File Box with Handle - Homekeep Studio

Caja de archivos portátil con asa

Santa Fe Heart T-Shirt - Homekeep StudioSanta Fe Heart T-Shirt - Homekeep Studio

Camiseta Corazón Santa Fe

Vintage Solo Hairstyling Curler Case - Homekeep StudioVintage Solo Hairstyling Curler Case - Homekeep Studio

Estuche para rizador de peluquería Vintage Solo

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Chinese Mahjong Set - Homekeep StudioChinese Mahjong Set - Homekeep Studio

Conjunto de Mahjong chino

Vintage Lowe Magnetic Bookshelf Backgammon - Homekeep StudioVintage Lowe Magnetic Bookshelf Backgammon - Homekeep Studio

Backgammon de estantería magnética Lowe vintage

Metal Book or Magazine Holder - Homekeep StudioMetal Book or Magazine Holder - Homekeep Studio

Porta libros o revistas de metal

Wil - Hold Thread and Bobbin Sewing Storage Case - Yellow - Homekeep StudioWil - Hold Thread and Bobbin Sewing Storage Case - Yellow - Homekeep Studio

Almacenamiento de costura de hilo y bobina amarillo Wil-hold

Wil - Hold Thread and Bobbin Sewing Storage Case - Cream - Homekeep StudioWil - Hold Thread and Bobbin Sewing Storage Case - Cream - Homekeep Studio

Almacenamiento de hilo y bobina para costura color crema Wil-hold

Vintage Wil - Hold Wilson Mfg Sewing Spool Box - Homekeep StudioVintage Wil - Hold Wilson Mfg Sewing Spool Box - Homekeep Studio

Vintage Wil-Hold Wilson Mfg Caja de carrete de costura

Vintage Wilson Wil - Hold Brown Plastic Sewing Box with Tray - Homekeep StudioVintage Wilson Wil - Hold Brown Plastic Sewing Box with Tray - Homekeep Studio

Vintage Wilson Wil-Hold Caja de costura de plástico marrón con bandeja

Vintage Brumberger Metal Film Storage Cabinet - Homekeep StudioVintage Brumberger Metal Film Storage Cabinet - Homekeep Studio

Gabinete de almacenamiento de películas para cuarto oscuro Brumberger de metal gris

VIntage Decorative Metal Recipe Box - Homekeep StudioVIntage Decorative Metal Recipe Box - Homekeep Studio

Caja de recetas de metal decorativa VIntage

Vintage Solingen Germany Letter Opener and Italian Hot Dropped Forged Steel Scissors Set - Homekeep StudioVintage Solingen Germany Letter Opener and Italian Hot Dropped Forged Steel Scissors Set - Homekeep Studio

Vintage Solingen Alemania Abridor de cartas y juego de tijeras de acero forjado italiano en caliente

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